Sound Design Tracks™ WAV: PCM 24-bit | 48 kHz | 2304 kbps | 4 Categories | RAR 1.6 GB 55 Original Sound Design Tracks VIEW DEMO AND INFO PAGE Sound Design Tracks™ - Мощные аранжировки звуковых эффектов в одном аудиофайле. For years, Lens Distortions has been the definitive source of cinematic sound effects for modern creators. Our original SFX products provide world-class ingredients you can use to build powerful audio sequences in your films. But as all filmmakers know, building impactful audio sequences from scratch is often tedious and you don’t always have the time to do it well. With Sound Design Tracks, the hard work is done for you. Get pre-built, professional sound design in the simplicity of a single audio file. Скачать с Скачать с